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Illuminae (The Illuminae Files #1) by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
Published by Knopf Books for Young Readers, October 20, 2015
Pages: 599
Format: Hardcover

I rated this book at Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 7.52.51 AMbecause while it’s good, it’s not quite good enough for 5 stars.  5 stars are reserved for those books you just can’t put down and you find it memorable.

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I have never read a book quite like this one.  Aside from the fact that I have never read a sci-fi book (that I can remember), there are other differences:

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When I first started reading the book, I was sitting front row of the struggle bus, trying to get into it.  However, about halfway through, it got interesting.  The further I read, the more interesting it got.  By the end of the book, I found myself happy for Kady & Ezra’s romance…and happier still that a small piece of AIDEN lived on.



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