Update: Hocus Pocus Readathon

What feels like 5 minutes ago (for me – maybe not for you), I wrote this post on the Hocus Pocus Readathon, and my hopeful contribution to Team Sanderson Sisters.  Well, here’s an update:

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We only have until October 15th to read all that we can on the list, and I’m thinking that I did not plan my time very well.  Maybe I should have actually read all of those pins on bullet journaling and organization, instead of just pinning them. Go figure. 

Part of my brain says “Girl…you have a life to live outside of reading books”

Image result for live life to the fullest gif

Another part of my brain says “GAHHHHH!!! ONLY 7 MORE DAYS!  GAHHHHHHH!!!!”

Image result for freaking out gif

Aaannndddd the third, less subtle part of my brain says “WTH Heifer?  Get on with it.  You can do this!  Don’t make me call your momma!”

Image result for drill sergeant you will do this! gif

In six days, the truth will unfold as to how well I do (or don’t) in this readathon.

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