Update: Hocus Pocus Readathon

What feels like 5 minutes ago (for me – maybe not for you), I wrote this post on the Hocus Pocus Readathon, and my hopeful contribution to Team Sanderson Sisters.  Well, here’s an update:

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We only have until October 15th to read all that we can on the list, and I’m thinking that I did not plan my time very well.  Maybe I should have actually read all of those pins on bullet journaling and organization, instead of just pinning them. Go figure. 

Part of my brain says “Girl…you have a life to live outside of reading books”

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Another part of my brain says “GAHHHHH!!! ONLY 7 MORE DAYS!  GAHHHHHHH!!!!”

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Aaannndddd the third, less subtle part of my brain says “WTH Heifer?  Get on with it.  You can do this!  Don’t make me call your momma!”

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In six days, the truth will unfold as to how well I do (or don’t) in this readathon.

Wicked: Witch & Curse

Wicked: Witch & Curse Wicked: Witch & Curse (Wicked, #1-2)by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié
Published by Simon Pulse, September 9, 2008
Pages: 672
Format: Paperback

I rated this book at Screen Shot 2019-10-01 at 12.44.34 PM.png because it was pretty darn good!



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While this book is over 600 pages, please remember three things: (1) it’s not a difficult read, (2) it’s two books in one, and (3) it’s a good read.  It’s a good book for this Halloween season or any other time that you want to read about witches, warlocks, and romance.  It’s a fun spin on a drama-fueled story.  It’s a book that you want to finish.  It’s an easy book to pick up, lay down, pick up, and lay down (I mean that in a good way – it’s not one of those where you have to get into the right ‘space’ to understand the text).

If you are anti-witch/warlock/romance/drama/young adult/make-believe…or if you are lacking any sort of imagination and have no time to waste…then skip this book.  However, if you don’t mind reading a decent book and you find yourself with a little bit of time…read this book.  It really isn’t half bad.


House of Salt and Sorrow


House of Salt and Sorrow by Erin A. Craig
Published by Delacorte, August 6, 2019
Pages: 146
Format: Hardcover

I rated this book at Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 8.03.53 AM.pngbecause well, it’s worthy of the highest rating.  It’s worthy of all sorts of accolades, but all I can give is 5 stars.

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People.  Don’t be fooled into thinking that this book is unworthy of your time and energy.  This book is ah-mazing!  It had twists, it had turns, and it was a fresh take on the classic “The Twelve Dancing Princesses.”  I finished this book in under 24 hours, it was that good.  This review should provide you evidence with two irrefutable facts (in my not-so-humble opinion): (1) It was so good, that you will feel possessed to keep turning the page….You. Just. Can’t. Put. It. Down. and (2) it’s not just for young adults.  It’s for young, it’s for old, it’s for all of us inbetweeners.  It’s a great book people.  If other young adult books are anything like this one, then I’m going to read them all!  Okay, perhaps not all – that’s a bit much – but I definitely have a different impression of young adult books now.  I think that says a lot.



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Illuminae (The Illuminae Files #1) by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
Published by Knopf Books for Young Readers, October 20, 2015
Pages: 599
Format: Hardcover

I rated this book at Screen Shot 2019-09-26 at 7.52.51 AMbecause while it’s good, it’s not quite good enough for 5 stars.  5 stars are reserved for those books you just can’t put down and you find it memorable.

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I have never read a book quite like this one.  Aside from the fact that I have never read a sci-fi book (that I can remember), there are other differences:

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When I first started reading the book, I was sitting front row of the struggle bus, trying to get into it.  However, about halfway through, it got interesting.  The further I read, the more interesting it got.  By the end of the book, I found myself happy for Kady & Ezra’s romance…and happier still that a small piece of AIDEN lived on.
